
Ninite team viewer
Ninite team viewer

ninite team viewer

for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ( 'findstr /V /N /I /E /R "OK$ ^Partial$ Skipped.(up.to.date)$ Skipped.(. The /V switch means :: that we only return the lines of the log files with do not match our :: whitelist of good values, which are: :: "OK" or "Partial" matching both the begining and end of the first line :: "OK" or "Skipped (up to date)" matching the end of any subequent line :: The regular expression captures these conditions. :checkrestoffile :: We use findstr again to search the rest fo the file. If this is present then we do some more checks on the rest of the file if /I "%firstline%" EQU "1:0:Partial" ( goto checkrestoffile) else ( goto failfirstline) :: next check for the word "Partial" as the first thing on the first line. if /I "%firstline%" EQU "1:0:OK" ( goto reportok) options like no desktop shortcuts or ignore certain upgrade (like Teamviewer). If this is present then we assume that everything is OK and quit. Ive used Ninite successfully ever since I found out about it here on TN. :checkfirstline for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ( 'findstr /N /O /I /B /E /L "OK Partial" %ninitelogfile%') do set firstline = %%a ::echo %firstline% :: first check for the word "OK" as the first thing on the first line.

ninite team viewer

:checklogfileexists if not exist %ninitelogfile% ( For occasions where the appSelectName is not a valid file name (eg ".NET" including the quotes) the ninitelogfilename varible should be updated manually.Ī wpkg package which will update all relevant echo off setlocal if = (.This could probably be done more elegantly using wpkg package templates.

Ninite team viewer